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- Doan Gia Phat | Cherish Vietnamese Rice Grains
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Product categories
- Jasmine Rice
- ST21 Rice
- Hom Mali Rice
- ST24 Rice
- KDM Rice
- ST25 Rice
- 5451 Rice
- Japonica Rice (Sushi Rice / Japanese Rice)
- Medium Grain White Rice
- Camolino Rice
- Calrose Rice
- 504 Long Grain White Rice 5%/15%/25%/50% Broken
- 504 Broken White Rice (100% Broken)
- Jasmine Broken Rice (100% Broken)
- Long Grain Parboiled Rice 5% Broken
- Brown Rice
- Red Rice
- Purple Rice
- Black Rice
- Long An Glutinous Rice
- An Giang Glutinous Rice
- Round Grain Glutinous Rice